My beloved mother; I cannot express to you how pleased I was to hear from you. I received letter from you and Larry the day that I left Delhi. I am most sorry to say that there was nothing from Dad or Marty. Perhaps I left Delhi too soon (before their letters came). The letters from you and Larry spread much sunlight in my life. Larry's letter was not only beautiful but poetic as well. It takes a soul of great sensitivity to compose such a letter. I hope that you become his friend as well as his mother. As he travels the path of life do not stand in front of him and try to block his road but be by his side and travel it with him. Give him love, give him companionship, do not try to give a road to follow, for as an individual he is entitled to choose his own road.
It is quite difficult for me to tell you what I have been doing. I am not so much a tourist or a sightseer; I am more a seeker of my own soul. Living in the east is an entirely different way of life than living in America or Europe. Everything is completely different. It is very difficult to say when I will return. But I will say....Read further