Children of God, dear family of one who searches - (I now share the religious vibration of Vrindavan). Vrindavan is the abode of the eternal lilas of Lord Krishna. To the devotee of Lord Krishna there is no higher or holier place in all the worlds. Vrindavan is a simple, quiet forest village on the banks of the Yamuna river. Yet within its boundaries lies over 5,000 temples of God. Striking green parrots, radiant peacocks, frolicking monkeys and scores of Indian white cows come freely and fearlessly amongst green forest village streets and temple grounds.
I am now living in a little ashram (temple) which is under the blessings of a great and loving Hindu saint renounced as one who has received the lords infinite grace. In the seventy one years of his life he has preached the word of God throughout the world. To his devoted disciples he is an embodiment of all spiritual wisdom. His name is Tridandi Swami Bhakti Hridaya Bon Maharaj. The Swami is aiding me each day in my spiritual search.
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